
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Further proof

If my prior post did not convince you of the evilness of squirrels, today I offer further proof.

Before the pictures, a little background information is necessary. In October, I planted a handful of peach pits in the backyard. I know the chances of them growing are slim, but it doesn't hurt to try. To make sure I wouldn't lose track of them, I put a small fence around the area where they were planted. Since I have two 100 pound dogs who generally run through anything that is in front of them, and the wire fence was very hard to see, I tore a couple strips off an old sheet and tied them to the fence, like flags, hoping the dogs would see them and go around instead of through.

Sometime in December, I believe, I looked out in the backyard, and saw a squirrel chewing on one of my flags. I knocked on the window to scare him away and went back about my business. A couple days later, I realized both flags were gone. So, I tore a couple more strips and tied them to the fence. They lasted awhile, but two weeks ago I realized they were also gone.

I got a little lazy and forgot to tie some more flags to the fence. When I was outside yesterday, I noticed that the fence had been run over and bent all to hell, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I straightened it up and tied three more flags to it.

This morning, not 24 hours later, I witnessed this:

Dirty, rotten, little furry bastard.

I let Scout chase him away, but I looked outside a few minutes ago, and there are no flags tied to the fence anymore. That squirrel is an a$$hole, but he must have the nicest nest in the neighborhood.