
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The state of things

It's been raining here. A lot. Most of the things that have been planted are doing well.

kale and broccoli
Unfortunately, so are the weeds. They're threatening the peas. . .

And practically taking over this corner where some of the tomatoes will go.

The strawberries are flowering and starting to show small green berries.

I was even able to find a few tiny carrot seedlings.

I'm not quite sure why the carrots are doing so poorly. I've never had great carrot germination, but this year I put out a lot more seed. I skipped the homemade seed tape thing and just sprinkled seeds down the row. I expected I would be doing a lot of thinning. Doesn't look like I will after all.

The potatoes are complete no-shows at this point. On top of all of the other things weighted against them this year, I imagine the rain has encouraged them to just rot peacefully in their nice little corral.

This evening marked 48 hours without rain and the first time in a couple weeks I was able to step foot in the garden, so I took the opportunity to get rid of some of those nasty weeds. Hopefully, I'll be planting tomatoes, peppers, and lots of other things soon.

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