I just got done declaring that seven tomato plants was enough, and then I got this in the mail.
Totally Tomatoes |
A catalog that declares itself "devoted to the avid tomato grower". I may not exactly fit that category, but just looking at the cover makes me want 10 tomato plants next year. (I do realize the picture is sideways, but I cannot figure out how to get a rotated version from photobucket to blogger.)
The same day I got the tomato catalog, I got this one, too.
Vermont Bean Seed Company |
For a few seconds, I thought I could get away without looking at this one. Vermont is a long way away, and I prefer to buy from companies that are within a couple state radius, if I can. As it turns out, however, the Vermont Bean Seed Company's address is in Wisconsin, and they have runner beans, which I really want to try next year, so I guess I'll be keeping this one.
Getting these catalogs in December highlights one of the great things about gardening: optimism. The garden looks like this today:
And our temperature hasn't been above 20 for three or four days, but I can still imagine little green things growing next spring.
Today's birds: cardinal, junco, starling, downy woodpecker. I haven't seen many lately, but the snow makes them appreciate my feeders.
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