
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Garden Saturday

It's been a long time since I woke up on a Saturday and my first priority (after coffee) was the garden. Yesterday was one of those days.

The garden June 27th - before
The garden really needed some attention.

First I pulled weeds. Then I picked cabbage, broccoli and peas.

That was the last of the cabbage and broccoli, so I cleaned out those plants. I also pulled out the lettuce, which was long gone. Then I mowed the yard and mulched most of the empty spaces with grass clippings. It won't prevent the weeds, but it will help.

The garden June 27th - after
The Japanese climbing cucumber is growing like crazy, and I've started training it up the trellis.

The Mexican sour gherkin is making some progress but is still very small.

Now that the lettuce plants are gone, it will get more sunlight.

The zucchini and squash plants are also growing fast.

The tomatoes and basil are also doing well, but I forgot to take pictures of them. The onions are starting to fall over, and it looks like I'll be harvesting garlic pretty soon. Summer is well underway.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The growings on around here

The garden June 20th
You'll notice a lot of empty space in the garden compared to last year around this time. That's because I ended up not planting any beans this year. I'm now fighting with weeds in those empty spaces and trying to decide what to do about it.

The upside is that the weeds aren't the only things growing. I planted two types of cucumbers this year, and I'm surprised at the difference between them.

Japanese climbing cucumber
Mexican sour gherkin
I hope the sour gherkin catches up.

The lettuce is pretty much done.

We didn't eat a whole lot of it, but now I know I like this lettuce and will plant it again.

Looks like we'll be eating peas pretty soon

and broccoli, too.

I'll have about six carrots,

even though I planted a whole pack of seed. I have some things to learn about carrots, clearly, but I already have some ideas for next year's garden that I think will help.

The garlic is just beginning to turn a little brown.

All of the asparagus plants I planted this spring are now sprouting. They did nothing for weeks, and now I see little fuzzy asparagus sprouts all over the bed.

Last but not least, it's about time to pick cabbage.

I'm planning on eating some tasty coleslaw this week.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Well, well, well

What do we have here?

I found a "guest" in the garden yesterday.

I've heard of people who plant onions all the way around their gardens to keep the rabbits out. For the record, this little guy was hanging out in the onion row.

The neglect of the garden continues, although I did pick more lettuce and some kale yesterday, so I am eating from the garden. I'll be back to more gardening time soon, as long as it stops raining.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Surprisingly, the potatoes are growing like crazy! They got their first covering of straw the other day.

They've come a long way from the pathetic little things I started with (and the squirrels tasted).

Even the snapdragons look good, although the yellow one is a surprise.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


The garden - June 3rd
The garden is full of weeds. Between all of the rain we've had, and other things that are going on that demand my attention, I have not been paying a lot of attention to the garden. I did get almost everything planted. I didn't plant beets, and I'm skipping the beans this year, so there is a lot of space in the garden where nothing is growing, except weeds.

That being said, the cabbages are developing.

The broccoli and kale are growing well.

The peas are coming along.

The basil, however, looks horrible. 

It got cool and wet right after I planted it. I tried something that I thought would be smart, however. When I planted out the plants, I also threw some seeds in the ground, so maybe those will sprout and I'll be able to make some pesto after all.

I picked my first head of lettuce last night and had a salad for dinner. I haven't grown this lettuce before, and I really liked it. The variety is Winter Density.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Every. Damn. Year.

This year it was the strawberry bed. Not the most creative I've seen.

Scout: 7        Baby rabbits: 0