
Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I lost track of my carrots and hadn't paid any attention to when I should expect them to be ready. When I got home from vacation, they seemed to have grown quite a bit, so I decided to start pulling them up. I planted two varieties and got two very different results.

Short 'N Sweet
Scarlet Nantes
If you look closely, you can see that the Scarlet Nantes are a little gnarly. Look at these crazy things:

I know there are a variety of things that can cause this, but I'm not going to worry too much about figuring out the culprit. The fact that I pulled over three pounds of carrots out of my garden this year, with the poor germination I had, is good enough for me.

Guess what this is:

It's carrot pie made with carrots and onions from the garden! Don't feel bad if you didn't get the answer. Since I was too lazy to make a crust, it can hardly be called a pie, and the picture is so horrible even I can hardly recognize it. While I was mixing it up, I realized I could've used dill from the volunteer in the garden, too, but if I had picked the dill, what would this little guy eat?


  1. I love your gnarly carrots!! I always try to figure out what or who they look like when they come out that way. This year I mixed peat moss into the soil that I planted carrots....all mine are straight as can be this year. That would be a very easy fix!!

  2. Beverly,
    Thank you for the tip and thanks for stopping by!
