
Saturday, December 13, 2014

What did I learn this year?

There isn't much happening in the garden right now, obviously, so it's about time I sat down and figured out what I learned this year.

1. I almost learned how to can green beans with a pressure canner.

I don't consider it a skill really learned because only two of the four jars sealed, but I used them in green bean casserole for Thanksgiving, and no one got sick.

2. Two kale plants is more than enough. Or I need to learn more ways to eat kale.

Even though they're a dwarf variety, the plants were at least three feet tall, and I hadn't managed to pick much off of them before they froze.

I tried kale chips, and they tasted fine but didn't seem worth the effort. Most of the kale I've eaten has gone into smoothies, and I should have enough frozen kale in the freezer to last me into January.

3. I can start seeds inside!

This was the most exciting discovery this year, but I don't feel confident enough to try tomatoes yet.

4. Speaking of tomatoes, five tomato plants is not enough.

I actually planted seven tomato plants this year, but only about five of them were productive. I had issues that might have been disease, and the plant I "rescued" never amounted to much. We also had rain and unseasonably cool temperatures at inopportune times, which meant tomatoes either splitting or not ripening at all. I did manage to salvage quite a few green tomatoes at the end and ripen them inside.

5. I can grow cabbage and broccoli.

6. It's going to take some time to perfect the hugel. It was interesting to watch the radishes and lettuce all season - I had no idea how big both of those things would grow when left alone - but they didn't hold the soil on the mound, and it kept washing away in all the rain.

June 5th

October 11th
I probably learned more than this, or at least should have, but it's not a bad start.

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