
Thursday, June 16, 2016


This is what happens when you ignore, or even deny, the basic nature of an animal.

When I left for work this morning, I had many little green bean plants, several inches tall and covered with leaves. When I came home for lunch, I had this:

Only a few plants with any leaves left. I'd been watching the beans, because I knew that nasty little rabbit was spending time in the garden. Hell, the little guy has a den in my carrots.

We've had temperatures of 90-100 for going on two weeks, and I'm sure laying in the dirt under the carrots was his version of sitting under a patio umbrella.

I've been wetting the beans with Liquid Fence every few days in the belief that rabbits don't like the taste of it. Apparently, today my rabbit had a taste and decided it was good, so tonight was emergency fence building night.

With a lot of help from D, the bed with the beans is now fenced with hardware cloth.

I bought enough fencing for two beds, but it was way too hot for us to work long enough to get them both done tonight. Tomorrow I'll plant some more beans.

I've been lulled into a false sense of security the past couple years. The old garden was fenced, but rabbits were in it on a regular basis. Strangely enough, I hardly ever noticed anything eaten. I certainly never had my beans destroyed.

Live and learn. As many times as it takes.

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