
Monday, June 27, 2016

Harvest Monday 6.27

Linking up with Harvest Monday at Our Happy Acres again. Lots of inspiring harvests every week.

It wasn't a very exciting harvest week around here. The heat is doing in my onions.

It's much too early, but several of them have already tried to flower, and they aren't going to last, so I pulled a few that definitely wouldn't cure.

The pictures are foggy because it was so humid when I took the photo that my lens fogged up.

I chopped them and threw them in the freezer. I just recently used the last of last year's cured onions. I won't be that lucky with this year's harvest.

The same day I pulled the onions, I picked the last of the peas and radishes.

The pea plants have been pulled...

and the peas blanched and frozen.

It only amounted to about a half pound of peas, but that's fine with me. Every little pea counts.

The last thing I harvested was an accidental carrot. It came out with a big weed, so now it's chilling with my radishes.


  1. Yum - peas...for sure every one counts! So far I haven't had any of my onions bolt but I just noticed yesterday that some of my golden shallots were bolting, which has never happened before...ugh!

  2. Wow, you know it is humid when your lens fogs up! It has been terribly humid here too. I think the heat is getting to my onions too. I was hoping this was going to be my year to finally grow some nice ones, but the weather isn't cooperating. Your shelled peas look great!

    1. Onions are the one thing I've never had problems with until this year. That's how it goes with gardening.

    2. Onions are the one thing I've never had problems with until this year. That's how it goes with gardening.
