
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Feels like summer

We're forecast to be 90-95 for the next several days. The comfortable days of spring might be over.

I picked my first broccoli yesterday.

broccoli #1
I blanched and froze the first one, because the other two are not far behind.

broccoli #2
I probably shouldn't say this, but I found NO BUGS on the first head. I soaked it in salt water for about 20 minutes, and then blanched it, and didn't see any creepy crawlies. 

Cucumbers are coming along. Japanese climbing on the left, Mexican Sour Gherkin on the right.

I have noticed that, between the cucumbers and the tomatoes, my garden is a veritable United Nations of vegetables (Japanese climbing, Mexican Sour Gherkin, Italian Heirloom, Mexico Midget, Nebraska Wedding).

The green beans are sprouting. This morning, there was nothing. Tonight:

I haven't seen the rabbit, or any rabbit damage, since I chased him away the other day, but I should at least spray some Liquid Fence on these sprouts.

The peas have a lot of blooms,

and some pods are starting to develop.

blurry pea pod
We'll see what the high temperatures do to them. 

The lilies and daisies that I transplanted are blooming.

The herb garden is really growing well. 

sage, thyme, salvia and snapdragon

basil, rosemary and dill
I'm constantly amazed when I look around and see everything that is growing. I'll be watering regularly over the next few days, at least while we stay above 90.

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