
Sunday, June 16, 2013


I finally planted beans on Saturday. This year I planted both pole beans and bush beans. I've used one of those metal, square bean tower things in the past, but this year I wanted to try something different since I was planting rows. I came up with the bean goal post.

It's made out of pvc. Thanks to D, the tower is reinforced with cross bars and tied to stakes in the ground. I'm not much of an engineer and had only planned on the two upright poles. This will be much sturdier than my version would've been. The posts have been in the ground for a couple weeks, and have already weathered some storms, but we just got it tied down and laced on Saturday.

There are holes in the pvc every eight inches, and jute twine strung between the poles. The plan is that the beans will grown on the twine, and at the end of the year it can go in the compost with the bean plants.

My potatoes are blooming:

but they're also falling over:

So far, two of them have fallen over. From a quick online search, it seems that they might not have been hilled enough, but they should continue to grow just fine. I guess I'll find out.

One of my tomato plants is not growing nearly as fast as the others. It's a Caspian Pink. You can see how much smaller it is than the plant next to it. I had one last year, and I don't remember it being slower or smaller than the others.

The herb seeds I planted are sprouting.
Lastly, despite having witnessed this, I'm still convinced it was a grackle digging up my sunflowers.

These two are too cute to hurt anything.

We might have some rain tonight, but the next several days look warm and dry. I think that will do the garden good.

The garden June 15th
Weekend birds: chickadee, blue jay, grackle, sparrow, mourning dove, cardinal, house finch, white breasted nut hatch.

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